Monthly Transactional Report

Understand and boost the performance of your Business

Our scheduled reports will allow you to quickly see your approval, decline and failure rates. In addition to other data relevant to your business

Monthly Transactional Report

+17 Thousand

Integrated shops from different industries

Facilitates strategic decision making

What data does our report include?

Comparisons of the immediately previous year

Observe the growth or decrease of your KPIs month by month

Comparative analysis of the behavior of your business year by year

Most used payment methods

Employ loyalty strategies according to the payment behavior of your users

Graphics with the most used payment methods

Regions with the most transactions

Discover demographic profiles for your marketing and advertising campaigns

Graphs with the behavior of transactions by region

Shopping hours

Table of days and hours of high and/or low transactional activity of your clients, to identify days and times in which you can create strategies such as offers

Graphs with purchasing behavior by hour and day

Through our automated reports

Stay on top of these and many more KPIs

Medición de KPI de tu negocio con Placetopay

With our Transactional Reports

Making strategic decisions will be much easier.