Receive your payments through IVR
Offer your customers the possibility to pay through their cell phone. Our automated telephone system ensures the secure capture of sensitive data, such as credit card information.
Optimize your telephone agents
Take advantage of the databases you have
Improve the shopping experience
Step-by-step payment process
How does it work?
Contact your customer
Sell your product or service and initiate payment process
Login to the PlacetoPay IVR panel
Generate transaction
Your customer enters the card information into the IVR robot.
Receive payment confirmation
Implement a robust and user-friendly IVR
Our platform allows your advisors to visually monitor the step in which your client is, in this way the advisor will be able to guide your client and in case of failure, know in which step it was
Security when entering your banking details over the phone
PCI-DSS certificates
PlacetoPay is certified in the international PCI DSS security standard as a Level 1 Service Provider, the highest standard in security for credit card transactions worldwide.