Predictive - Dashboard for Data Analysis

Stay aware of the most important KPIs of your Business

Conduct predictive exercises and learn patterns that will allow you to know future trends and make better decisions based on them.

Sistema de Análisis de Datos

What are the most important features?

Quickly analyze data in an intuitive interface

  • Detect patterns, trends and outliers in a mountain of data through statistical graphs
  • Get an overview of your business challenges and obstacles, anticipate risks, and develop data-driven strategies.
Conexión con varias fuentes de datos

Advantages of using Predictive

24/7 service


Consult the information 24/7 and from any device

Equip your workers with the data they need to improve their management

Centralized Information

Access to different areas to analyze information and generate your strategies

Customizable boards


Separate modules and customize your dashboard according to your needs.

Cost savings

Cost savings

Infrastructure and administration are our responsibility.



The tool adjusts to the specific needs of your business.