Integrate our payment gateway into your Ecommerce

Our technology is available to integrate with the most popular CMS on the market. Consult our complete documentation and follow the steps for a quick installation

Plugins for CMS Ecommerce

How to configure our payment gateway on your site?

Select the CMS on which your ecommerce is installed and follow the instructions

Plugin Woocommerce

WooCommerce Plugin

See documentation

Plugin Prestashop

Prestashop Plugin

See documentation

Magento Plugin

Magento Plugin

See documentation

Vtex Plugin

Vtex Plugin

See documentation

Plugin Jumpseller

Jumpseller Plugin

See documentation

Plugin Shopify

Shopify Plugin

See documentation


If you want to integrate Placetopay to receive online payments, you must have an active account.

If you don't have yours yet, don't hesitate to contact our sales team

Why choose us?

Efficient Shopping Experience

Through Checkout get

  • Smart payment features
  • Personalization of your brand
  • Fast and secure sales, activating the tokenization service

Manageable platform

You will have access to Panel, our business management platform where you can make returns, cancellations, access reports, etc.

All payment methods

Full control to activate and deactivate the payment methods that your business needs